Maandelijks archief: september 2014

Selection of talks from the 21st A&T symposium

During the last Archaeology & Theory Symposium about the role of archaeology in society, we made video recordings of a number of presentations. They have now been edited and can be viewed on YouTube. Also check out the conference programme and abstracts. The first two lectures are in English and the others are in Dutch.

Karolien Pazmany – Educational initiatives and public awareness of archaeology in

Daan Raemaekers – The pitfall of Dutch archaeology and re‐establishing the societal
relevance of archaeology in the Netherlands

Tim de Ridder – Heeft archeologie toekomst?

Boudewijn Goudswaard – Original Footprint; de zoektocht naar nieuwe balans tussen kennis, behoud en gebruik

Maarten Wispelwey – Archeologie is geschiedenis