Maandelijks archief: maart 2019

Registration 26th A&T Symposium

Reconstructions of the Past

How do we make them and do they matter?

  • Date: April 17th 2019
  • Venue: Leiden University, Pieter de la Court Gebouw (Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden), zaal SB11
  • Cost: €25
  • Registration deadline: April 10th

Archaeology studies the past through material remains of this same past, but these material remains only go so far. A leap of imagination is required to bridge the gap between the soil marks interpreted as post-holes and the reconstructed shape of the house that occupies the mind of the lay visitor to a site, the reconstruction drawing at the site, but also the scholarly discussion of whether they would have had conical or domed roofs. This reconstructive gap between the physical evidence and interpretation is the subject of the 25th Archaeology and Theory symposium organised by Stichting Archaeological Dialogues on April 17th 2019 at the University of Leiden

The final programme and abstracts can be found here

The form below allows you to register for the conference. Please note that your registration will not be processed until you have paid the conference fee (speakers and international attendees excepted*). After registering, please transfer your conference fee to Stichting Archaeological Dialogues IBAN: NL33INGB0002309869, mentioning the name under which you registered.

The fee covers coffee breaks, lunch and evening drinks. ARCHON students are eligible for reimbursement. Please contact the ARCHON research school to learn more about this.

If you are unable to register due to a malfunction in the form, please contact archaeologicaldialogues(at)gmail(dot)com

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Last name (required)

Title (MA, dr., prof.)

Email address (required)



Are you an ARCHON student member?

Comments (dietary preferences etc.)


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*International attendees can fill out the form and pay in cash on the day.