About SAD

Welcome to the new Stichting Archaeological Dialogues page!

The aim of the Archaeological Dialogues Stichting is to promote the theoretical side of archaeology in the Netherlands, providing a forum for the exchange and development of the theory in our discipline. Archaeological Dialogues has been active since the early 1990s, with the organisation of conferences and the publication of the journal Archaeological Dialogues (now published independently of the Stichting by the Cambridge University Press).

The Stichting (=foundation) has been ‘revived’ after a period of inaction. The new board consisting of Daan van Helden, Canan Çakirlar and Martine van Haperen invite professional archaeologists, academics, students and those who work in other aspects of culture heritage to join us in this endeavour, having the option to actively participate in the decision-making and organization of events. You can join our Google group by visiting this link.

In April 2014, we organized a symposium about the role of archaeology in modern society. We are currently making preparations for a one-day symposium about the theory and methodology of mortuary archaeology, scheduled for April 2015. You are welcome to contribute with ideas and suggestions.