
Stichting Archaeological Dialogues is in need of new board members! Board membership is open to all graduated archaeologists with an interest in archaeological theory. Traditionally, the board has consisted of PhD students, post-doc researchers and tenured academics, but all professional archaeologists are welcome to apply.

Archaeological Dialogues has an important role as one of the few platforms for the discussion of archaeological theory in the Netherlands. It can only continue to exist if archaeologists are willing to be active board members.

As a board member you will be expected to attend meetings approximately three times a year (usually held in a central location in the Netherlands) and participate in the organisation of Archaeology & Theory Symposia. Together with the other board members, you will have a voice in the choice of themes for upcoming symposia and help decide the Stichting’s course in the coming years. Board membership is an engagement of at least one year, but you are welcome to stay on for longer.

If you are interested in joining the SAD board, please send an email with a short CV and motivation to archaeologicaldialogues(at)gmail(dot)com. We look forward to your reply!